由 Miss Ekaterina Trunina 親身教授
工作坊包括﹕技巧 (Ballet)、選段 (Variation)、民族舞 (Character) 及俄式伸展 (Bolshoi Stretching) 班
半日工作坊時間﹕10:30-13:15 (USD 50)
全日工作坊時間﹕10:30-16:30 (USD 90)
Ekaterina Trunina 出身於莫斯科。
Miss Trunina 在一九九九年畢業於莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞學院,曾為莫斯科大劇院獨舞員。直至二零零八年曾演出舞劇包括<<睡美人>>、<<布偶>>、<<胡核夾子>>、<<吉賽爾>>及<<天方夜譚>>等等。二零零三年於莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞學院 – 教育部 – 修讀教育學位,並於二零一四年於該學院受聘為全職教授。曾於韓國、美國、意大利及西班牙代表莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞學院教授不同大師班及工作坊。
Led by Miss Ekaterina Trunina from Bolshoi Ballet Academy, Bolshoi Ballet Academy Moscow Workshop & Audition includes audition as well as ballet, variation, character and Bolshoi stretching classes for students aged 13-22.
Half-day Workshop & Audition: 10:30-13:15 (USD 50)
Full-day Workshop & Audition: 10:30-16:30 (USD 90)
Ekaterina Trunina was born and raised in Moscow.
She had graduated from Bolshoi Ballet Academy in 1999. She had joined the Bolshoi Ballet Theater where she had become a soloist ballerina and performed with the company until 2008.
During her work at the Bolshoi Theater Ekaterina had performed numerous roles in such ballets as The Sleeping Beauty, Coppelia, The Nutcracker, Giselle and Scheherazade.
In 2003, Ekaterina had received a Teaching Degree from Bolshoi Ballet Academy Higher Education department and was promoted to a full time professorship at the Bolshoi Academy in 2014.
Miss Trunina had traveled extensively to Korea, USA, Italy and Spain as a master teacher for Bolshoi Ballet Academy workshops and master classes.
For details, please refer to the link: http://eepurl.com/cCtD1r
See Translation