比賽舞段指導日(教師) Coaching Day (Teachers)
5.6.2017 (星期一 Mon)
伊利沙伯體育館 Queen Elizabeth Stadium
獨舞比賽初級組Solo Competition Junior Section
1-4.8.2017 (星期二至五 Tue-Fri)
元朗劇院演藝廳Yuen Long Theatre Auditorium
獨舞比賽成人組Solo Competition Adult Section
4.8.2017 (星期五 Fri)
元朗劇院演藝廳Yuen Long Theatre Auditorium
群舞比賽Group Dance Competition
22-23.8.2017 (星期二至三 Tue-Wed)
葵青劇院演藝廳Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium
獨舞比賽高級組Solo Competition Senior Section
準決賽Semi-Final 24-25.8.2017 (星期四至五 Thurs-Fri)
總決賽Final 26.8.2017 (星期六 Sat)
葵青劇院演藝廳Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium
賽後大師班Post Competition Master Class
27.8.2017 (星期日 Sun)
活動室 1, 伊利沙伯體育館 Function Room 1, Queen Elizabeth Stadium
贊助場地及售票服務 Venue and Ticketing Services Sponsored by
鳴謝Acknowledgement康樂及文化事務署Leisure and Cultural Services Department
獨舞比賽初級組、高級組、成人組及群舞比賽得獎名單可於本頁底部下載 List of Winners of Sub-Group and Final Competition can be downloaded at the bottom of this page