Please contact “” for the refund of audition/workshop.
* 凡參加本會活動必須為有效會員。如你未成爲我們2020年度的會員,請在以下網頁登記。
* All participants of HKBG events MUST be a current member.If you haven’t yet become our 2020 member, please join our membership in the following link.
香港芭蕾舞學會2020會員 登記 HKBG 2020 Member Registration
由 Miss Ekaterina Trunina, 莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞學院全職導師 親身教授 工作坊及面試
工作坊包括﹕經典芭蕾技巧 (Classical Ballet)、選段 (Variation)、民族舞 (Character) 及俄式拉筋 (Bolshoi Stretching) 班
Experience a day of training at the Moscow Bolshoi Ballet Academy here in Hong Kong!
Led by Miss Ekaterina Trunina from Bolshoi Ballet Academy, Bolshoi Ballet Academy Moscow Workshop & Audition includes audition as well as a full day workshop with classical ballet, variation, character and Bolshoi stretching classes for students aged 13-22.
地點 Venue: 香港演藝學院3樓9號舞蹈室
Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, 3/F, Studio 9
日期 Date: 2020年3月22日(日) 22 March 2020 (Sun)
半日工作坊時間 Half Day Workshop: 10:30-13:00 [US$80 (HKD 625)]
全日工作坊時間 Full Day Workshop: 10:30-17:00 [US$125 (HKD 975)]
學生年齡 Age: 13-22
報名方法 Registration Process
第一步 Step 1﹕
請登記成為2020 香港芭蕾舞學會會員
Please click the button below to apply for HKBG Membership 2020 via online registration.
All participants of HKBG events MUST be a current member.If you haven’t yet become our 2020 member, please join our membership in the following link.
香港芭蕾舞學會2020會員 登記 HKBG 2020 Member Registration
第二步 Step 2﹕
填妥報名表並以信用卡方式支付工作坊/面試之費用 (費用由莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞學院直接收取)
Please fill in the application form and complete the payment process via credit card (Payment is charged directly by the Bolshoi Ballet Academy)
導師簡介 Instructor’s Biography

Ekaterina Trunina was born and raised in Moscow. She had graduated from Bolshoi Ballet Academy in 1999. She had joined the Bolshoi Ballet Theater where she had become a soloist ballerina and performed with the company until 2008. During her work at the Bolshoi Theater Ekaterina had performed numerous roles in such ballets as The Sleeping Beauty, Coppelia, The Nutcracker, Giselle and Scheherazade. In 2003, Ekaterina had received a Teaching Degree from Bolshoi Ballet Academy Higher Education department and was promoted to a full time professorship at the Bolshoi Academy in 2014. Miss Trunina had traveled extensively to Korea, USA, Italy and Spain as a master teacher for Bolshoi Ballet Academy workshops and master classes.