所有參加者均於賽後獲發證書以示鼓勵,其中一位初級組G4或B3優勝者更可獲頒香港演藝學院「青年精英舞蹈課程」獎學學額。而高級組優勝者除獲發獎金及獎座外,更有機會獲頒獎學金,讓有潛質的芭蕾新秀可藉此前往海外接受短期專業訓練。另設「 Hong Kong Ballet Group Grand Star Award」、「Hong Kong Ballet Group Aspiring Star Award」及現金獎,此等獎項會頒發予比賽中表現最特出及最具潛質的參賽者,我們希望藉著這些獎項,鼓勵他/她們在專業道路上邁出第一步。
「 香港芭蕾舞學會超新星大賞」現已發展成為香港最大型的芭蕾舞比賽之一,歷年共吸引近7,000多名來自本地及海外芭蕾舞學生參加。繼往開來, 本會當盡力為香港芭蕾舞蹈藝術發展而努力!
The Hong Kong Ballet Group Stars Award 2017, formerly known as Young Ballet Stars Award, is a ballet competition in Hong Kong open to all ballet students. Entrants will compete in the Solo Competition Junior, Senior and Adult Sections and/or Group Dance Competition, which are further sub-divided according to age and gender. For impartiality, Adjudicators of the Solo Competition Junior and Adult Sections as well as the Group Dance Competition are local artists who are not affliated with any local ballet school. Adjudicators of the Solo Competition Senior Section are internationally renowned artists specially invited for the occasion.
Certificates will be awarded to all entrants. One young talent in the G4 or B3 of the Solo Competition Junior Section will be given a scholarship to study in the Gifted Young Dancers Programme of the HKAPA. Winners of the Senior Section will be given cash awards and trophies. Outstanding talents of the Senior Section will be given scholarships to study at overseas summer training programmes. Cash awards, ‘The Hong Kong Ballet Group Grand Star Award’ and ‘The Hong Kong Ballet Group Aspiring Star Award’, will be given in recognition of the most promising dancers of the Solo Competition Senior Section. The Hong Kong Ballet Group wishes to give the Award recipients a strong encouragement to launch him/her on a professional dance career.
Since its inception in 2000, the Hong Kong Ballet Group Stars Award has drawn nearly 7,000 local and overseas entrants and has become one of the major ballet events in the territory. The Hong Kong Ballet Group will strive to continue our mission and contribute our share to the advancement of the art form of ballet in Hong Kong.
2017 香港芭蕾舞學會超新星大賞 2017
Hong Kong Ballet Group Stars Award 2017
2016 香港芭蕾舞學會超新星大賞 2016
Hong Kong Ballet Group Stars Award 2016
2015 第10屆芭蕾舞超新星大賞:十分.芭蕾
10th Young Ballet Stars Award– Perfect Ten
2013 第九屆芭蕾舞超新星大賞:精典芭蕾
9th Young Ballet Stars Award– Ballet Classique
2012 第八屆芭蕾舞超新星大賞:薈萃芭蕾
8th Young Ballet Stars Award – Ballet Extravaganza
2010 第七屆芭蕾舞超新星大賞:西班牙幻想曲
7th Young Ballet Stars Award – Fantasia Expañola
2008 第六屆芭蕾舞超新星大賞:與柴可夫斯基共舞
6th Young Ballet Stars Award – The Magic of Tchaikovsky
2007 第五屆芭蕾舞超新星大賞:睡美人組曲
5th Young Ballet Stars Award – The Sleeping Beauty Suite
2005 第四屆芭蕾舞超新星大賞:紅白組曲
4th Young Ballet Stars Award – Variations on Red and White
2003 第三屆芭蕾舞超新星大賞
3rd Young Ballet Stars Award
2002 第二屆芭蕾舞超新星大賞
2nd Young Ballet Stars Award
2000 第一屆芭蕾舞超新星大賞
1st Young Ballet Stars Award